Forgotten Vowels

Today we all are living in the world of “e” or “i”. But haven’t we forgotten the other vowels:

A – An individual

O – Our Loved Ones

U – Universe

An individual that is you has been forgotten by your own self. The individual inside you wants to fly out from your gadgets and feel the fresh air. Her minds need oxygen to charge not the adapters. She is fed up of the virtual playing grounds and rides. She wants to enjoy the fresh mist on the grass, the fresh breeze. Her ears want to enjoy the chirping of birds instead of the beeps or alerts of your gadgets.

The amazing thing is that the individual inside you just need one hour of yours from your 24*7 schedule. What say? Let’s give her.

And hey you know that this sweet angel inside you is also in love with your loved ones. So, let this angle meet them too, at least once a month. Yes not once a week, because that cannot be feasible in today’s e/iworld.

By doing this not only you but your loved one will also feel good. These feeling will allow positive energy from the universe to flow around you and soon you will see more good things happening around you.

You should also not forget the universe as you are one of its elements. And this universe has provided a cosmic partner to the sweet angel inside you. This cosmic partner has all the powers and can do anything for you. Your belief in your cosmic partner can make things happen. Think positive, feel good and let the universe surprise you with all goods in your life.



Read it once more I AM HAPPY

One more time I AM HAPPY

See the magic of these three magical words, there a sweet little smile on your face.

This sweet little smile of yours will make your loved ones happy.

With this thought start your day and keep smiling, it make you look more beautiful/handsome.

First Post

Thoughts are having fight, Confused!!! what to write ????

While creating a blog had a sight and was happy to get a platform to write

This blog is not only about indite but includes various articles that might bring sprite